Last night, when it was half past ten, I was just laying down on my bed looking over to the wall clock that had been hanging there for quite a few years. Initially the idea was just to conform the time as i was looking forward to a 1100 hrs movie on HBO. but, i donno why, i engrosssed myself into a more deeper thought- as to what had been the changes that had taken place in technology and display of the watches/clocks, mo matter what type they are- wall clocks, wrist watches, time display on our mobiles, on the bottom-left corner of our PCs, etc…?
The only answer to the above said question that’s been striking my mind quite on and offten is- NOT MUCH. And that in itself is a very strange thing considering 21st century’s fast-changing and super-tech world.
As a result, here i am, serching through the web world for any advancement in the clock market. And this all new windows mobile app- Flash Pimp Clock (from xda developers) seems to quench my thirst.
- in order to read the hours see the left vertical columns and for the minutes see the right 5-rows columns.
- 5 colors to choose from, just press the bottom bar to change colors.
- Exit with enter (keypad) or by pressing the top-right area.
- See the “normal” digital clock and date by pressing anywhere else on the screen
- If you prefer a 12-hour clock, simply click the left numbers after 13h
1. Needs FLASH 7, if it doesnt exit properly, you dont have it
2. Attached the CAB, already with the WM6.5 icon on install
3. ZIP folder includes also swf file, to see it run on your NOKIA, PC or Throttle Launcher
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1 and NET Compact Framework 3.5
download flash pimp clock free for your windows mobile phone
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