Restricting window features through registry editor

1. Click Start → Run and type regedit.

2. Scroll Down to following registry keys-


See some good restriction on windows *** No Shutdown button!!!
If the particular link or path is missing you can create the ke

y for the same name for example if Explorer doesn’t exists in Policies, so you should create a new key (right click on blank space in Policies and type Explorer to create a new key.

3. Create a DWORD “AS STATED BELOW ” and set the value to restrict:-

(Right click in the blank space of Explorer key and Create a new DWord. Rename the DWord as “AS STATED BELOW ”.

4.          Within the above key type the DWORD for respective functions (Keep in mind that the value of DWord should be 1 for activating these features and 0 for disabling them.)

DWord Value name Function menu (DWORD value data  = 1(Y) or =0 (N)
NoFind Disable/ hide find menu
NoDrives Hide drive through My Computer
NoRecentDocsHistory Prevent documents from adding to the list
ClearRecentDocsOnExit Clear recent doc on exit of Windows
NoNetworkConnections Disable / hide
NoSMHelp Disable Start Menu Help
NoSMMyDocs Disable/ Hide My Documents
NoToolbarsOnTaskbar As Mentioned in Dword Value
NoTrayItemsDisplay As Mentioned in Dword Value
HideClock As Mentioned in Dword Value
NoSetFolders All settings of Folders
NoSetTaskbar Removes Taskbar system folder from the settings option on the start Menu
No Desktop Removes everything from the Desktop
NoClose Disables Shutdown
NoSaveSettings Prevent changes of Desktop Settings
DisableRegistryTool “regedit.exe will not work” Please avoid this.

5. Restart.

Similarly, small restrictions on System and network can also be applied:-

6.          Scroll Down to following registry keys (System Related) :-


DWord Value name Function (DWORD value data = 1(Y) or =0 (N)
No DispCPL Hides the Control Panel
NoDispBackgroundPage Hides the Background Page
NoDispScrsavPage Hides the Screen Saver Page
NoDispAppearencePage Hides the Appearance Page
NoDispSettingsPage Hides the Setting Page
NoSecCPL Hides Security Page in Control Panel
NoPwdPage Hides Password Page
NoAdminPage Hides Remote Administration Page
NoProfilepage Hides User Profile Page
NoDevMgrPage Hides Device Manager Page
NoConfigPage Hides Hardware Profiles page
NoFileSysPage Hides File System Button
NoVirtMemPage Hides Virtual Memory Page
DisableRegistryTool Restrict on editing of Windows registry

7.     Scroll Down to following registry keys (Network Related):-


DWord Value name Function (DWORD value data= 1(Y) or =0 (N)
NoNetSetupSecurityPage Hides the Network Security Page
NoNetSetup Hides the Network option in the control panel
NoNetSetupIDPage Hides the Identification Page
NoFileSharingControl Hides the File Sharing Control Page
NoPrintSharing Hides the Print Sharing Page

8. Restart.